
1 Jun

Plastic bags ban in Tanzania

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Here's what you need to know about plastic bags ban in Tanzania. This is an official government notice to travelers/tourists visiting Tanzania from June 1st 2019. You are being urged not to include plastic bags in your luggages.  Zip-lock bags used as part of airport security procedures are still permitted.  In case you’re not aware of this notice, on arrival you may be asked to surrender your plastic bags. Tanzania joins a growing list of countries around the world which have implemented plastic bags ban. As it is  stipulated on the official...

5 Apr

How Much Does Kilimanjaro Park fees Cost?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet mattis. Class ante erat. Dapibus ipsum turpis libero sagittis suspen disse. Velit fringilla a. A lorem ipsum vel urna aptent. Consectetuer urna ante elementum maecenas magnis sodales mauris pede. Quo venenatis volutpat aliquam ut libero. Dui urna pede velit hac mauris. Etiam aliquam pellentesque potenti ut neque. Neque felis ut ante id cras fermentum feugiat volutpat sed ante magna. Commodo purus sed. Orci ipsum per. Exercitationem vestibulum pede. Posuere lectus id eleifend nulla mi id metus enim erat dictum praesent. Tincidunt placerat ut magna urna...

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