KLM Safaris


Small Enterprise

Small Enterprise Volunteering

Small Enterprise Volunteering

Due to increased poverty, female discrimination and child labor we have designed small enterprise projects in collaboration with local non-governmental organizations to address these challenges. Most of our projects are located in urban and rural areas of Moshi, and Arusha.

Projects include:

  • Female tailoring groups
  • Brick making groups
  • Village community bank groups
  • Dairy product groups
  • Horticulture groups
  • Honey keeping groups
  • Tourism enterprise
  • Retail shops

Volunteers will be involved in training these groups on business skills such as marketing, branding, record keeping, sales, accounting and quality product development. Our volunteers will work with local business experts and consultants to visit and conduct training for the earmarked groups. Volunteers will also be involved in monitoring and reporting group activities for the duration of their program. We expect at the end of a program, volunteers will share with locals different business skills but also understand how small enterprises within Africa play a big role in empowering young graduates and non-graduates and women, assisting in poverty eradication. Get in touch with us and we will help plan your placement depending on your interests and skills.

Available Projects 2022/2023

Project Title: Women and Entrepreneurship: A Poverty Reduction Strategy and Empowerment

Location: MasiaMarangu, Mshiri Village in Moshi Rural

Dates: 2022/2023

Number of Volunteer required: 4

Description of this volunteering Project: Since introduction of SMEs and Village Community Banks (VICOBA) among rural Tanzania, it has become a tool for women empowerment and poverty alleviation. For decades Masia village was encompassed with increased poverty and less empowerment among women.  The adoption of SMEs and VICOBA parallel with business models in this village is recognized as a tool to address the named problems. Despite of introduction of SMEs and VICOBA, women in Masia lacks entrepreneurship skills to sustain the backsliding established small businesses.

Activities that volunteers will be involved:

  1. Training women groups in entrepreneurship skills and business management
  2. Visit their business and learn opportunity and challenges among women businesses
  3. Visit home business projects run by women groups for income generation
  4. Visit community based organizations and NGO’s offices that support women groups

Volunteer Profile

There are no specific skills required for this program/ project. The opportunity is open for people with interest in Entrepreneurship ideas, gender and working with grassroots communities especially women.

Age and Sex Requirement

The project will require volunteers with 18 years and above both males and females.

Activities after Volunteering

The area has wide attractions ranging from Hiking Kilimanjaro the tallest free standing mountain in the world, Cultural Tourism such as Chagga live Museum, Underground Caves, Blacksmith Popular Waterfalls such as Kinukamori, Kilasia and Ndoro. The project is also located on the northern tourism Circuit with 6 popular national Parks including Ngorongro Crater and Serengeti National Park the world Tourist Wonders.

Language that will be used

English language will be used as a major means of communication but also you will have opportunity to learn Swahili and Chagga.


Volunteers will be given a host family to stay with; you will have your own room with all necessary requirements. If you will be two volunteers you can also choose to share a room. Someone will be available to prepare your meals since the host family has experience in hosting volunteers. Alternatively you will stay in AirBNB in the village or our Village Hostel.

In country orientation

On arrival volunteer will have half day orientation in Moshi about life, people, and the project that you will be involved. You will have one night in the hotel then next day we will transfer you to the host family or to the village hostel.

Location of the Project

Masia Marangu is located about 50 kilometers from Moshi Town, it is situated East of Kilimanjaro National Park Headquarters’ gate. It is accessible by public transport from Moshi Town. Marangu Mtoni is a small town 4km from the village you will be volunteering


Volunteers will arrive at Kilimanjaro International airport 45 minutes drive to Moshi Town. We shall pick you up from the Airport to Umoja Hostel in Moshi Town for Dinner and Accommodation.


Volunteers will depart at Kilimanjaro International, alternatively if they will visit Zanzibar after volunteering they can depart at Julius Kambarage Nyerere International Aiport, Dar –es- Salaam.

Fees: Participation fees USD $450.

Volunteers who will participate in the project are expected to cover their travel costs to the destinations (countries) where projects are located. Therefore, everyone decides his/her means of transport and you will be provided with travel instructions to reach project destinations.

Extra Fees:  USD$240 USD will be directed to support the project for the two weeks that volunteer will be involved.

Please feel free to contact us for more information about  other volunteering opportunities  and costs at info@klmsafaris.com

KLM Safaris Internship Opportunity - Online Tourism Marketing and Content Creation

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