KLM Safaris


Our Climate Emergency Plan

KLMS is a member of Tourism Declares, a global initiative that supports tourism businesses, organisations and individuals in declaring a climate emergency and taking purposeful action to reduce their carbon emissions as per the advice of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to cut global carbon emissions to 55% below 2017 levels by 2030. We are proud to be one of first Destination Management companies in Tanzania to sign up for this initiative.

Since 2014 KLM Safaris been undertaking sustainability actions such as Zero Travel program in which a percentage of the money paid by our esteemed clients was dedicated to education, awareness and advocacy in tree planting in areas adjacent to Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Kilimanjaro is the global reference point for climate change as 95% of its glaciers have disappeared since 1912.  Despite our efforts and the efforts of our other partners, adaptation strategies and capacity building for resilience is urgently required to save biodiversity and support local communities. Since the climate crisis is real and travel and tourism contribute to global carbon emissions, KLM Safaris, along with other reputable travel companies, have declared a Climate Emergency.

KLM Safaris Commitment:

Like all signatories, we have committed to the following five actions:

  1. Develop a ‘Climate Emergency Plan’ within the next 12 months, which sets our intentions to reduce carbon emissions over the next decade.
  2. Share an initial public declaration of our ‘Climate Emergency Plan,’ and provide updates on our progress each year.
  3. Accept current IPCC advice stating the need to cut global carbon emissions to 55% below 2017 levels by 2030 in order to keep the planet within 1.5 degrees of warming. We’ll ensure our ‘Climate Emergency Plan’ represents actions designed to achieve this as a minimum, through delivering transparent, measurable, and increasing reductions in the total carbon emissions per customer arising from our operations and the travel services sold by us.
  4. Encourage our stakeholders and partners to make the same declaration, share best practices amongst peers and actively participate in the Tourism Declares community.
  5. Advocate for change. We recognize the need for system change across the industry, and call for urgent regulatory action to accelerate a just transition towards net-zero carbon tourism.

Any company, organization, or individual working in tourism is welcome to join the Tourism Declares initiative. All you need to do are two things – Declare and Share at TourismDeclares.com.

Our Climate Emergency Plan

As KLM Safaris, we have set a clear and achievable climate action plan to reduce our carbon emission and environmental footprint. The action plan involves encouraging ecological consumer behavior and adopting slow travel itineraries. Our Approach will follow the principles of measuring, reducing, mitigating and communicating.

The Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism aligns with global climate goals and encourages the tourism sector to halve emissions by 2030 and achieve net-zero by 2050. In response, this action plan outlines KLM Safaris commitment to sustainable practices, addressing both environmental impact and social responsibilities. The tourism industry has a crucial role in mitigating climate change impacts and ensuring a resilient, sustainable future for all.

KLMS is a member of Tourism Declares, a global initiative that supports tourism businesses, organisations and individuals in declaring a climate emergency and taking purposeful action to reduce their carbon emissions as per the advice of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to cut global carbon emissions to 55% below 2017 levels by 2030. We are proud to be one of first Destination Management companies in Tanzania to sign up for this initiative.

Since 2014 KLM Safaris been undertaking sustainability actions such as Zero Travel program in which a percentage of the money paid by our esteemed clients is dedicated to education, awareness and advocacy in tree planting adjacent to Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Kilimanjaro is the global reference point for climate change as 95% of its glaciers have disappeared since 1912.  Despite our efforts, adaptation strategies and capacity building for resilience is urgently required to save biodiversity and support local communities. Since the climate crisis is real and travel and tourism contribute to global carbon emissions, KLM Safaris, along with other reputable travel companies, have declared a Climate Emergency.


To lead by example in reducing the carbon footprint of our operations, promoting sustainable tourism practices, and supporting the global fight against climate change.


To adopt and implement a comprehensive climate action strategy that aligns with the Glasgow Declaration’s principles, reducing our carbon emissions, supporting biodiversity, and empowering communities through sustainable tourism models.


  1. Measure

KLM safaris established a strong baseline for climate change in order to track the places with gaps that cause carbon emission. The company aimed to research on the use of various tools and resources in the working place and gather information that used to calculate our carbon footprint as possible. We are always working with carbon calculation tools with different methods in order to measure our operations.

Objective ActivitiesTool usedExpected result
To get company preliminary footprint dataMonthly measurement of emissions from our company operations that link with water, energy, transport and paper usage in the daily company activitiesCarbon footprint calculatorAccurate baseline data that manage and guide our company future footprint targets and a way forward


  1. Decarbonize

After clearly determined our company monthly footprint status in its realistic way with targets to achieve now the company plan to track quarterly footprint status and monitor office resources use. The report will be presented in transparent and accountability so that majority of people that can trace our company decarbonization journey.

Objective ActivitiesResource will be used to calculate Expected result
To reduce our daily transport emissionSeeking for travelling with environment friendly transport system like public shuttle and minivan for daily public movementCarbon footprint calculatorReduction of carbon emission for 60% resulted from staff private transport use
To reduce our daily plastic use and plastic waste disposalEvery staff should bring reusable bottle and reusable fabric hand bag with KLM Safaris label for daily useGlobal Tourism Plastic InitiativesTo reach 0% plastic waste disposal in our company
To reduce unnecessary energy useConducting virtual meeting and eventsCarbon footprint calculatorReduction of carbon emission resulted by high public transport concentration and high energy consumptions in the office


  1. Regenerative

As KLM Safaris we always intended to support different activities that promote and conserve ecosystem across different destination in Tanzania. Our approach focuses on partnering with local communities and other stakeholders in order to create a comprehensive initiate that promote and maintain ecosystem as follows:

Objective ActivitiesTool usedExpected result
Hosting tree plantating eventsParticipation in Tanzania climate action plan that aim to plant at least 1000 trees of indigenous species that will mitigate Co2 and other green house gasesHuman resourceIncrease of land restored and habitat area that contributed by our company efforts to fight against global climate change
Providing environment conservation awareness and climate resilience programmeParticipating with government and non-government sector to provide such equipped training to local Tanzanians on how to maintain better environment status and taking action against climate change for better futureHuman resources and technical expertIncrease of awareness among the local Tanzanians that contribute in good environment conservation and fighting against climate change for bright future


  1. Collaborative

Our efforts in adhering climate change resilience focus on mutual collaboration and effectively sharing for the purpose of fighting against climate problem globally. Our mutual collaboration is valuable in marking adaptation and mitigation solution that attempt our initiatives in taking care against global climate crisis with our valuable partners. We are transparent to share different risks and the way to solve it. But also working together with our partners to strength management and ability for climate action. KLM Safaris is excited to work with vulnerable group, government, private sector and local community to ensure that our plans are well achieved.

Objective ActivitiesTool usedExpected result
Climate change trainingCollaborating with Mwenge Catholic University to host climate change topicsUniversity faculty and KLM Safaris staffsInvolvement of youths to champion climate change resilience will directly engage in reduction of carbon emission this because the youth are now managers of major systems in the world. Hence their  involvement in climate action will bring a perfect result.
Climate change virtual meetingKLM StaffsHosting at least 4 online meeting that expected to reach 600 people who will acquire basic knowledge and skills on the issue of climate change this involve applying sustainable development in tourism, mining, agriculture, transport, forestry and other economic activities.


  1. Finance

Our company realise the importance of financing all initiatives that aim to take action against climate change according to company objectives. Currently, we encounter limitation capacity to fund all projects but we commit to seek alternative way path to get fund for our most valuable project. We develop a comprehensive and strategic partnership with different stakeholders who champion climate resilience. According strategic plan we will ensure our company and other stakeholders’ ability are well maintained to meet our objectives in this climate action plan including financing training, research, and effectively implementation of valuable project.

ObjectiveActivitiesTool usedExpected result
Funding climate training



Start with staff training on climate change and its mitigationsHuman resourcesEmpower climate awareness to our company and partners staffs in order to reach scope one of carbon emission from daily office uses
Investing in tree programmesStaffs contributing 5 trees for per monthHuman resourcesPlanting trees at the end of the month where by each staff from the company and partners will contribute 5 trees to compensate their carbon emission and these trees will be planted in different vulnerable areas


Monitoring and evaluation of our climate action plan

KLM Safaris will do monitoring and evaluation of the action plan and during the reporting time the objectives described in the plan will be used to track the progress and achievement of the plan known as Key Performance Indicators KPI’s.  Our action plan objectives will be monitored effectively and reported in half basis. Tracking will  be undertaken using various statistical software to trace the performance achieved.

Limitation of the action plan

Our company is highly committed to champion sustainability in every development sector like tourism in worldwide. Despite of our commitment there are limitations that may affect the effective implementation of proposed initiatives such as financial capacity that used to run every single step in implementing the plan and also resource availability may hinder timely achievement of the objectives.

Uncertainty and its the way forward

In achieving collecting efficiency data for our climate change action plan there some barriers may happen such as inequitable budget, technical experts and staff reactions. In addressing the above constraints, we involve different stakeholders in implementing each plan objective so that we can do in a best way and avoid all that challenges


KLM Safaris is also represented on Safari Bookings.

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