
KLM Safaris

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. When to Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro?

In your Kilimanjaro climbing preparation considerations fact is, most of the months have a few rainy days, which makes it possible for climbing all the year round.

During the rainy period of March and May, cloud tends to pile up and over the summit, dropping snow on top and at the base. Visibility can be limited by cloud cover even when there is no rainfalls. The temperature at this time of the year is relatively

Best time to climb Kilimanjaro is the dry season, beginning in the late June and through July can be very cold at night but usually is clear of cloud.

August and September are also cool and can have completely clear days, but usually a dripping cloud belt girdles the mountain above the forest moorland. The summit can be totally clear.

The shorter rainy period of October to December often has thunderstorms that pass over the mountain, dropping rains as they go. Typically the cloud disappears in the evening leaving the nights clear and mornings with excellent visibility.
January and February are usually dry, warm and clear with brief rain showers which makes a good climbing condition.

Even though one can climb through out the year, January, February and September are the best months with July, August, November and December are good too.

In rainy season we’re recommending Rongai route on trekking Mount Kilimanjaro in April and May which starts on Northern Kilimanjaro and is generally drier than the southern routes, and can be opted during these rainy months.

Kilimanjaro’s weather is heavily influenced by the interaction of trade winds with the structure of the mountain. The South-east trade winds traveling over the Indian Ocean carry loads of moisture. When they hit Kilimanjaro, around March, are then forced upwards where they condense, form clouds and precipitate. This means March through to May is the wettest season on Kilimanjaro. The southern slopes are particular susceptible to rain during this time of the year.

Anti-trade winds from the North-east carry very little moisture but blow strongly. The strength of these winds which last from April through to October keep the South-east trade winds below them, hence these months are usually dry and cloud cover and precipitation is generally restricted to the lower slopes

The North-east monsoon arrives in November and brings some light rains to the northern Kilimanjaro.

Type of Tents?

For Kilimanjaro climbing we use the best tents and maintain them to the highest standards. Our tents are water and cold proof from Mountain hardware, Nothface and Eureka. Each Kilimanjaro trek is supplied by mess/dinning tents, crew sleeping tent, portable toilets and client tents. All our tents are good for travel at high altitudes.

A light weight wedge tent with space of three clients to be used for two clients and their stuff, the tents have comfortable shelter and strong aluminum poles which allows clients to set a super structure light and fly sheet.

Kilimanjaro Trail Condition?

How Mount Kilimanjaro Trail is for Mount Kilimanjaro climbs is well marked and maintained periodical. No technical skill required to climb Mount Kilimanjaro but only some sports like Machame trail Barranco wall where you need to scrambling for about an hour from 13,000 feet to 14,000 feet top of Barranco wall.

Route Minimum Days Recommended Days Difficulty Scenery Traffic Rating
Lemosho 6 8 High Excellent Medium ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩
Northern Circuit 9 9 High Excellent Medium ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩
Rongai 6 7 Medium Very Good Medium ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩
Marangu 5 6 Medium Good Medium ✩ ✩ ✩
Machame 6 6 High Excellent Medium ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩
Umbwe 5 6 Very High Good Medium ✩ ✩

The path to Kilimanjaro summit is scree on shooter hiking days you will have hot lunch on arriving while on longer days you will have either lunch box or picnic lunch on halfway.

How to wear on Kilimanjaro camp?

Staying at the Mt. Kilimanjaro camp need some outfit to cover the body and equipments. See the recommended list.

    1. Tracksuit pants
    1. T-shirts
    1. Sun hat(Peak caps do not offer enough protection)
    1. Woolens socks
    1. Fleece beanie
    1. Water bottle
Mount Kilimanjaro Weather

Kilimanjaro & weather forecast Kilimanjaro best guide Mount Kilimanjaro weather is predictable and weather area changing depending on the, time location and elevation. Here with Kilimanjaro weather forecast show the weather precipitation, wind and humidity. The weather forecast gives also wind speed, rain, temperature, clouds and pressure.

How can I do Pre-Acclimatization for Kilimanjaro climbs?

Kilimanjaro Mountain are in Africa and the top of Kilimanjaro there is only 9.5% oxygen while most of people comes for Kilimanjaro climb living on sea level where oxygen level is 20.9% that may course their body to exercises on low oxygen and thus lead headache, nausea, HACE/HAPE and AMS. How can I do Pre Acclimatization for Kilimanjaro KLM Safars’ clients and guides on Kilimanjaro climbs. Pre acclimatization training for high altitude climbing will help to;

– Increase the red blood cells and effect on efficiency oxygen absorptions.
– Reduce the incidence of Mountain sickness.
– Increase the performance of the body mechanism for delivering to the muscles and thus increasing and aerobic and anaerobic performance.
– Increase breathing rate and oxygen intake and thus decrease the body asleep.

We are recommending:
1. Do aerobic exercises of the body to function with less oxygen as on summit day there is less oxygen.
2. Hike on hills and mountain or on gym trail machine to practice hiking.
3. Increase hiking distance and time of hiking to increasing your stability as on mountain you will have long hiking days.
4. Wear your boot and day park on hiking as you hiking with daily on mountain.
5. Eat more fruit and vegetable; reduce red meat, smoke and alcoholic.
6. Getting your body shape and physical trails.
7. Rest and sleep well
8. Practice sleeping in tents or with sleep mask.
9. Cardio exercises with mask like spin bike or elliptical will help.

Kilimanjaro climb safety precautions?

KLM Safaris delivers the highest quality safety measures on Kilimanjaro. We take the following steps on your climb while you enjoy your adventure in Tanzania:

– We carry oxygen tanks on all our climbs.
– We carry a portable hyperbaric chamber (Gamow bag) on all our climbs and have a system in place for immediate evacuation off the mountain.
– We Using a pulse ox meter we will monitor your oxygen saturation and heart rate twice a day or more often if necessary.
– Every morning we listen to your lung sounds with a stethoscope to assess if there is any fluid on the lungs, a sign of HAPE.
– We will monitor your water intake to assure proper hydration. safety precation on Kilimanjaro climb.
– Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS). If AMS is not treated it can lead to more serious conditions like High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE) and/or High Altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE) Each year a very small number of climbers die on Kilimanjaro. These deaths could be avoided if all licensed first aid guides which had high altitude medical training and carried oxygen and a portable hyperbaric bag. We travel with life saving equipment at all times when at high altitude. This equipment includes oxygen tanks, and a pressure bag, which are only used in the most life threatening altitude sickness cases.
– As part of our daily safety routine, we record and monitor various information pertaining to your body’s reaction to increasingly higher elevations.
– Our trips have been arranged to use daily climbing schedules and sleep to enhance your body’s acclimation.
– Our meals emphasize carbohydrates and other foods that increase the generation of heat and energy as we move to higher altitudes.
– Moreover, we move slowly. with light exercises and celebrations at every camp to make your trip in the mountains enjoyable.

When Is Emergency Oxygen Necessary On Kilimanjaro Treks?

Supplemental emergency oxygen is only necessary to sufferers from rare complications of Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) who may develop High Altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE), a potentially fatal swelling of brain tissue as a result of poor acclimatization, resulting in confusion, paralysis and coma if unrelieved.

After using supplementary oxygen, you must not attempt to hike higher. Although it relieves breathing difficulty and oxygen starvation, it reverses acclimatization changes. Supplementary oxygen is routinely carried only for emergency treatment and not as an aid to climbers who wish to continue to the summit. It would be a very dangerous practice.

Are Gamow Bags Necessary For Kilimanjaro Treks

The Gamow Bag is only recommended at very high altitudes where fast and immediate descent is not feasible. One should never attempt to hike higher once symptoms arise on a Kilimanjaro trek as they can swiftly develop into High Altitude Pulmonary Edema, HAPE, where lungs are fluid congested and it is necessary to administer extra oxygen through a face mask. This is not possible in a Gamow bag.

How many days does it take to climb Kilimanjaro?

Most of people have been asked how many days it takes to climb Kilimanjaro. The answer to climb Mount Kilimanjaro take five to eleven days depend on the route you’re taking to climbing the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. Below is the summary of Kilimanjaro routes with route description and number of days recommended.

Summary of Routes and descriptions.

Route Description Days Length
Northern Circuit Newest route on Kilimanjaro. Very low traffic due to very long time on the mountain traverses nearly the entire mountain including the north side. Long route with Excellent views. 9 90 kilometers (56 Miles)
Lemosho Long access drive, remote, less frequented, beautiful forests, scenic traverse to Barafu, camping. Excellent for acclimatization. 8 56 kilometers (35 Miles)
Machame Second most popular route. Beautiful forest, very good for acclimatization, scenic traverse to Barafu 6 – 7 49 kilometers (30 Miles)
Marangu Very popular (crowded). Gentle gradients and long sections up to 4700m (2.9 mi). Beautiful forests and moorlands, comfortable but basic huts. The 6 day variant provides good time for acclimatization. 5 – 6 64 kilometers (40 Miles)
Rongai Long access drive, remote, less frequented, some fine, wild, least scenic, camping. Good for acclimatization. 5 – 6 65 kilometers (40 Miles)
Umbwe Shortest and steepest route, very physically taxing and requires serious endurance. Beautiful forest, spectacular ridge, bad for acclimatization, scenic traverse to Barafu, camping. 5 – 6 37 kilometers (23 Miles)
Price and Budget?

KLM Safaris has moved from budget company to a standard service company. We are the best among the local Tanzanian company with great success and the best experience possible. We do not depend on unscrupulous middle men, hence created our own market with reasonable standard affordable prices.

KLM Safaris do not use low price to attract customers as we do not want to cut off each cost restate to poor service. We know that our clients comes far away to visit us in Africa for their holiday to insure that our clients are not get streets with using bad facilities, poor mountain facilities, not good transport car and Service, delay on pick up, poor English speaking guides, lowest hotel for your stay in Africa.

KLM Safaris prepare the top notch service and best hotels, using Licensed guides, carry emergency life saving facilities in place and always on time, book with us in confidence.

We have published our package and prices per person as well as per person on sharing trip on all Kilimanjaro routes. Those cover Kilimanjaro park fee per person a day time number of days which is $ 142 which goes directly to the government. Standard food cost $ 20 per person a day as well as salary for crew and Taxes. We only offer the outstanding service and; Knowledgeable guides.

We have Best Tanzanian government licensed fluently English speaking guides with a medical knowledge.
We climb with medical life saving facilities and we are in place.

We use Tents which are water proof and high quality, all in good conditions.

We are Trustworthy Local Tanzania Company with the main office in Kilimanjaro.

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